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Easy Ways to Decrease Employee Turnover

Employee turnover is an unavoidable part of doing business. Even businesses with stellar employee relationships experience some turnover. You win some. You lose some. Sunrise, sunset. Right?

Well, sort of.

Employee turnover is at an all-time high. The increasing prevalence of job hopping is certainly one of the reasons behind this costly trend, but the cause does not all lie with the employees. Turnover higher than ever mainly because employers are not doing enough to make their talent want to stick around. As a result, companies are spending up to $4,000 and over 30 days training per employee to hire and train new staff.

Now, for medium or large size companies, getting hit with this price tag for a few employees isn’t that big of a deal. However, when your turnover rate is upwards of  20% — especially if that 20% is made up of top performing employees — then the cost of turnover adds up. Example: let’s say your company has 15,000 employees. If you lose 25% of these people (and for the sake of simplicity, let’s say they are average performers: top performers will increase the value of the end number significantly), you are losing 3,750 people per year. That’s $15,000,000 wasted on hiring and training that could have been avoided.

So avoid it. Here are easy tips for decreasing employee turnover within your company.

Hire Right, Right Away

When you hire the wrong person for the job, turnover is almost unavoidable. You know what they say: the best defence is a good offence. Fine-tune your hiring process, reviewing it to ensure you are attracting the right people for each position. Invest in tools like our TotalHire Applicant Tracking System, which uses intelligent and agile software to help you to find the best possible applicant for the job, the first time. No wasted resources, and less chance of turnover due to employee unsuitability. TotalHire takes out the guesswork. If HR is seeing an application, it’s because that person is a good fit for the job.

Here’s another important reason to hire the right talent: the more high performing employees you have, the better for your bottom line. The obvious reason is that high performing employees are more productive, and therefore better assets to your business. The other, less obvious reason is that when high performing employees are surrounded by low performers (i.e. people who are not cut out for the job), they have to pick up the slack. These hardworking people are made to work even harder and this is going to get old, fast. It’s only a matter of time before they leave.

Increase Employee Engagement

Not to be confused with employee loyalty, employee engagement happens when a member of staff feels like they are invested emotionally in the workplace: they aren’t just happy to be at work because of Free Beer Fridays or a lunch social once a month — they are happy to be there because they genuinely care about the well-being of the business. Without this emotional connection, it is easy to lose people to jobs that pay a little more or are a little closer to home. However, when someone genuinely loves working for a company, they are far less likely to be tempted by a bigger paycheck or closer commute.

Simon Sinek — an author and leadership mentor who has gained an impressive following through TED Talk —said it best:

“When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.”

When companies nurture engaged, committed talent, they are rewarded with 6% higher profits and shareholder returns that are five times higher over a five year period.

Employee engagement isn’t hard to foster. Here are a couple easy (and inexpensive) tips for engendering more of it in your workplace:

Say Thank You.

Two little words can do a world of good to help your employees feel appreciated. Much like a hardworking parent will jump through hoops for their children when they receive a little gratitude, as will employees when they are acknowledged.

While you can certainly say thank you with a work appropriate gift, like a new cell phone case or a beautiful plant for their workspace, a note or public thank you at a meeting or a special lunch is also a great way to bolster employee engagement.

Give them a Voice.

No one likes being told what to do all the time. Allow your employees to have a say in their workplace. Even if it is just about what foods go in a vending machine or what colour sticky notes you buy, giving employees an opinion over aspects of their workplace helps them feel connected to it, and invested in its wellbeing. Of course, these are just examples and employees can (and should) definitely be encouraged to weigh in on more weighty matters, but if you’re not sure where to start soliciting opinions, office supplies are a harmless place to begin.

Use Employee Tracking Software.

Tracking software is an amazing way to increase employee engagement. It allows your talent to have more control over their own work life. It helps facilitate a more agile and responsive career in which they can work remotely, schedule their time off and monitor their pay. In other words, tracking software (like the software from MitreFinch) will create feelings of transparency and trust between the business and the people working there, and that’s at the heart of employee engagement.

Hiring, firing and resigning happens, but the process of onboarding and offloading staff shouldn’t consume more than its fair share of your company’s valuable resources. Use these strategies to help decrease employee turnover and enjoy a more robust bottom line, and happier talent at every level.

The Positives In Tracking Employee Performance

With employee turnover at a record high, it’s time companies look at how they can retain the right employees. Tracking employee performance isn’t a negative practice; instead, it’s a way to help employees grow within the company, increase transparency, and help companies find gaps and areas to improve. It shouldn’t scare employees, and it definitely shouldn’t scare management. Read on to find out exactly why your company needs to embrace employee performance tracking software because disengaged employees and high turnover is a lot more expensive in the long run.

  1. Sets Expectations and Goals

Tracking employee performance doesn’t just tell you how your employees are performing, it also tells them what your expectations are and what goals they need to work towards. If no one is tracking their progress, employees don’t have much incentive to work hard. Tracking employee performance forces managers to figure out what an ideal performance from their employees look like, and this doesn’t happen without a clear process in place.

  1. Improves Job Performance

Tracking employee performance helps your employees understand that the goal isn’t just to ride out the clock. They’re not being paid to just fill a seat for the day, but instead, they have to work smarter to ensure the job gets done and targets are being met within the time they have. Tracking their completion of duties, tasks, and projects helps shift the focus from finding ways to fill the hours to finding creative and smart ways to ensure the job gets done while making sure employees are working to their full potential.

  1. Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

A good manager knows their employees’ strengths and weaknesses, and tracking employee performance is a great insight into those areas. Seeing where employees thrive helps ensure promotions and raises are being directed appropriately, and it also helps figure out areas for improvement, so your company is running as efficiently as possible.

  1. Boosts Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is surprisingly important for the success of your company, but too few managers understand this. Employee engagement isn’t achieved by hosting the occasional employee appreciation BBQ; it’s built by ensuring employees are invested in the success of the company and knowing that their career growth is linked to that success. Tracking their performance helps show employees that managers care about their growth, and that good performance will be recognized.

So now you know how to manage your employees, but first, you need the right employees. Total Hire can help get you the right talent to make employee management easier than ever. Not only do you cut down on a costly turnover by hiring right on the first try, but you also find ambitious talent that embraces performance tracking and other measures that help them grow their career. Click here to find out more about how Total Hire can revolutionize the way your company hires employees, because saving time, money, and resources are always good for business.

Benefits of Employee Time Tracking

At first, the idea of monitoring how long it takes for your employees to complete a task may seem a little Mother Hen at best, and Big Brother at worst. However, monitoring your staff is often less about seeing what they are doing for you and more about seeing what you can do for them. After all, you hired them for a reason: you believe they can do the job — they simply might need some guidance to do the job to the best of their ability.   

A Democracy of Accountability

We all thrive when we’re held accountable. Whether it’s by ourselves or by others, being accountable for our actions ensures we not only perform better at work, but it also helps ensure our happiness in the workplace, and as a result, with life in general. A report by the US Office of Personnel Management agrees:

Workplace accountability results in increased confidence and capability, as well as a heightened sense of engagement to and satisfaction with the position.

What is workplace accountability, exactly?

Simply put, workplace accountability refers to initiative in day-to-day operations and ownership over performance and behaviour. And again, accountability doesn’t apply just to employees: it applies to management as well. In fact, when management does not encourage an environment of accountability and live by that same principle themselves, it creates a workplace culture where a few hard workers carry the brunt of the workload for less motivated staff. The result? You best employees get fed up and leave.


Employee tracking software is an easy and effective way to help keep (or get) your employees motivated. It can help you identify who may need help, and give them the extra training or encouragement to complete tasks in a timely manner. But more than identifying potential problems, this same software can also be used to create solutions. Employee tracking software can also help you:

  • See which employees are performing well, so you can reward them.
  • Synch up for streamlined payroll and provide in-depth reporting so you can see exactly where time is being spent, and can ensure that resource is being spent properly.
  • Allow employees to schedule vacation time for easier holiday management.

Of course, not all employee tracking software will do this for you — but the best will. That’s why we’ve partnered with MitreFinch to bring our clients the best of breed time management and tracking platform. Once TotalHire has helped you hire the ideal talent for the job, MitreFinch’s solutions can save you time and money by nurturing happier, healthier, more accountable employees.

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